Empower Your Electronics Business

Elevate your electronics store's potential with seamless intergration and smart management.


You are running an electronics store and...

You need...
Rapid Product Obsolescence: Electronics evolve rapidly, with new models and technologies replacing old ones frequently.
Complex Inventory Management: There are a wide range of products with different specifications.
Price Volatility: Prices for electronic goods can fluctuate due to various factors.
You need to continuously update inventory & manage the lifecycle of products.
You need a solution that can deals with complicate inventory tracking and management.
You need a software that helps you save all the prices & other information.

With IChibaOnne Platform, electronic businesses will be able to...

Minimmize manual task & errors in goods management

Save time & costs

Proactively capture business performance

Improve customer experience

How IChiba OnePlatform addresses your issues

Automated order processing

Efficiently handle orders from multi-channel (online and offline) with automation that reduces manual entry and errors.


Real-time inventory sync

Keep inventory levels updated across multiple sales channels to avoid overselling and stockouts.


Customer relationship management

Enhance customer service with detailed customer profiles and order history.


Serial number tracking

Keep track of individual electronic items from purchase to sale, which is crucial for warranty claims and returns.


Electronic data interchange (EDI)

Support EDI for standardized communication with suppliers and B2B customers.


Product information management (PIM)

Manage detailed product information, including technical specifications, images, and documentation, in one central place.


Stories of electronics businesses that have benefited from IChiba

We must say that we're lucky to have IChiba OnePlatform as the fulfillment service provider for our multi-market expansion plan. IChiba delivers a fully-equipped warehouse network, wonderful fulfilling ability, and reputable shipping services at all markets.


Mrs.Hoai Thuong

Omnichannel Retailer


Looking for perfect-suited SaaS solution for your electronic business?